Our first full day in Dezhou was a busy one. We had breakfast in the same room in which we had dinner the evening before. I think it is a room for special banquets. Did I mention that the table seated 10 people comfortably? It had a huge, motorized turntable in the middle, and was equipped with artificial flowers and fountains. It was a bit distracting.
After breakfast, we met in the lobby and boarded the minibus. First on the agenda was a tour of the city, both old and new sections. The tour included brief visits to three city parks. One of the parks was built along a branch of the Yellow River, and featured a large checkers board in which each of the checkers contained a historical fact about Dezhou.
After all the evidence of technological advancement, when I returned to my room to get ready for dinner later that day, I noticed the following on the back of the door to my suite -
Security Scattering Sretch Map
Security Scattering Sretch Map
Dear customer: When the suddenness or fire alarm happen, please keep your head and live up to the two ways
1. Please dial 85110 or 85119 immediately;
2. Please according to the green direction channels what in the evacuate map to the safety exit, or following the waiter to give away the locale.
Meilihua Hotel
Meilihua Hotel
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